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Enter your text and choose the case you want to convert it to.

Character Count: 0 | Word Count: 0
English EN العربية AR Português PT EspañolES FrançaisFR РусскийRU ItalianoIT PolskiPL DeutschDE ΕλληνικάEL TürkçeTR MagyarHU УкраїнськаUA

About convert text tool

This online case converter allows you to change your text from UPPERCASE to lowercase, lowercase to UPPERCASE, or capitalize words in sentences with a simple click.
If you don't know how to convert the case or capitalization of text in Word, Notepad or other word processing software, then this online tool is designed for you.

The Easy online Tool To Convert Text Between Upper Case, Lower Case and Sentence Case

This Tool is designed to allow you to convert blocks of text into any case, which you can then export to a text file or simply copy and paste back to your own document.

So if you have typed a document and accidentally left your caps lock on – don’t panic! Or if you want to make sure that a document has all the right capitalisations, you can now convert it in seconds. Or if you are a marketer and want to capitalise the first letter of each word, then one click will do the trick!

Simply copy and paste your text into the text area above and click on the buttons at the bottom to convert it to one of the different cases, including:


“Lower Case” which converts all the letters into small letters like this.

“Proper Case” Which Converts The Text So Every Word Has Its First Letter Capitalised Like This

“Sentence Case”. This capitalises the first letter of each sentence, and converts the rest of the text to lower case. So the first letter after every full stop is automatically converted into a capital letter.

Once you have converted text to your desired case, you can simply highlight it all and press “Control-C” to copy, and then “Control-V” to paste it back into your desktop document

Or alternatively you can click on the “Save result to text file” button and the case converter tool will automatically save your text and ask you where you would like to download it to.

Have fun – and if you like this tool, then please recommend it to others who would also find it useful by clicking here to tweet about it!

This online Case Converter Tool helps you easily adjust capitalisation in your documents. Convert your text to upper or lowercase with just a few clicks. Make sure that all sentences begin with capital letters in your documents or start every word with capital letters in titles and names. Set up alternating or random lower and upper cases in your text. The PascalCase option generates concatenating capitalized words. The hyphen-case and snake_case is suitable for generating file names.